Beware of scammers impersonating Dior Beauty using WhatsApp. These scammers claim to be selling Dior products with PayNow or Bank Transfers as mode of payment.
All payments from Dior Beauty website can only be made directly on this site. If you suffered a monetary loss or loss of personal information, kindly file a police report immediately.

Beware of scammers impersonating Dior Beauty using WhatsApp. These scammers claim to be selling Dior products with PayNow or Bank Transfers as mode of payment.

All payments from Dior Beauty website can only be made directly on this site. If you suffered a monetary loss or loss of personal information, kindly file a police report immediately.

Capture Totale


The best Dior wrinkle filler*.


New Hyalushot


*At Dior
** 8 wrinkles areas: Worry lines, Lion/frown lines, Bunny lines, Smile lines, Barcode/smoker’s lines, Marionettes lines, Tear trough lines, Crow’s feet lines.
*** Clinical test on 34 people. Comparison between the smoothness after 7 days and after 28 days on the association Hyalushot and Capture Totale Le Sérum.